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Mart, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Corona / Flue

Cistus Incanus (Rose Rock) TR: Laden Çiçeği Growing mainly in the Mediterranean line peninsula, Cistus Incanus is a strong antigen against viruses, flue and maybe also for the latest Corona Covid-19. Rose Rock Tea The tea can be made by 1gr. of dry leaves for daily use of the flower, brew the tea three times with an 85 C degree, not letting it boil a lot to lose ingredients. Plantago Lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain)   TR: Sinirli Otu Plantago lanceolata  can live anywhere from very dry meadows to places similar to a rain forest. For the way of brewing: Put 1 teaspoon of hot water for 1 cup, let it brew (do not boil the herb like tea on the stove) It may have some side-affects for pregnants.