Anxiety is a general state of mind mostly living in modern life struggles, with the Corona pandemic it had a significant rise including me, so I made a list of natural ways to reduce the levels. ROSEMARY TEA Rosemary mostly lives in near Mediterranean climates and won't survive in long cold winters. Rosemary tea is high in antioxidants, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Rosemary reduces stress and anxiety, reduces pain and inflammation, combats gastrointestinal stress and enhances memory. It may help to lower your blood sugar. It's a good way to combat obesity. Besides the tea, you can just inhale the plant which is also useful. Rosemary can make some negative interactions with anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, and lithium. HOW TO MAKE ROSEMARY TEA I personally put a 5-10 cm long fresh rosemary branch directly into the hot water with some honey/sugar and a lemon piece, waiting for 3-5 min. You can also use the dry leaves by steeping them for 5-10 minutes,...
Cistus Incanus (Rose Rock) TR: Laden Çiçeği Growing mainly in the Mediterranean line peninsula, Cistus Incanus is a strong antigen against viruses, flue and maybe also for the latest Corona Covid-19. Rose Rock Tea The tea can be made by 1gr. of dry leaves for daily use of the flower, brew the tea three times with an 85 C degree, not letting it boil a lot to lose ingredients. Plantago Lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain) TR: Sinirli Otu Plantago lanceolata can live anywhere from very dry meadows to places similar to a rain forest. For the way of brewing: Put 1 teaspoon of hot water for 1 cup, let it brew (do not boil the herb like tea on the stove) It may have some side-affects for pregnants.